Saturday, April 9, 2016

Study on the orange producer in Saudi Arabia, the most important countries exporting to the Saudi market

Egypt, one of the highest ranking countries in the export of oranges product to the Saudi market and also occupies a prominent place among the orange producers around the world, reaching Egypt's exports of oranges product to the world about 25% of the total world exports of oranges.

Saudi Arabia is considered strategic to the Egyptian market companies which can not be abandoned Anha in any way, we bind them, the Saudi people, many links is the most important Islamic religion, then we continue to race .oayda families and many other things, we have the Saudi people.

The current report purpose of elaborating Egyptians exporters of oranges to the Saudi market and to the international market in general perceptions about competitors Om any countries come compete on the orange product .ouhjm Alsadratomn growth of the chart, we find that the top five exporting countries to orange to Saudi Arabia are Egypt, South Africa, Spain, Lebanon, and the proportion of Nmwalsadarat of all nations in 2014, and is interesting that Egypt's exports fell by almost 7% from the previous year, a study in 2013 and also the height of Spain's exports of oranges to Saudi Arabia by nearly 55% from 2013, and this is expressed in a common proverb that says

               " some people's disasters are other's benefits "

Where in 2013 the situation was unstable in Egypt, which is closest to Saudi Arabia in terms of wages freight for shipping, opted attention to the closest market and is Spain, where agricultural production Spaniard distinct and has a well-known quality and also built humans Petri conscience in filled .oayda market of South Africa in orange is important in terms of price per tonز
Orange prices of exporting countries to Saudi Arabia
 Of oranges from each country, and also the growth rates for each country index.


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