Friday, April 1, 2016

Full story in the import of edible oils from Ukraine: Part 2

Complementing the previous article about my story in the import of vegetable oils from Ukraine, and also what I went through in the import of vegetable oils operations .saqom experience has been a monument to a party in the deal vegetable oils.
By virtue of commerce and e-marketing operations, I have a commercial site do I offer to some market research, and some of the ads and other special plant imported oils, always leave the telephone numbers for those who wanted to call me to ask for your product or research studies related to the products, anyway, call me a person of Ukraine, which lived there until now, and display the sale of sunflower oil from Ukraine, and gave me the prices fairly reasonable for the market, which will be sold as products, or for the global market as well.
After a month of discussions and nogtioation about the recipe vegetable oils to offer for sale in Iraq, we decided to buy 2 40 ft container, and asked me sums Introduction .and i did   convert it to him and then disappeared the man did not received the goods or even received money strolled me an almost $ 40,000.
What I want to say is that you must deal with official entities or large companies you can trust them
