Facts about Egypt
1. in Egypt were invented devices, without which not thinking my life modern man: Toothpaste, soap, comb, deodorant and a pair of scissors. And Here's the women were obliged to Egyptians shoes in heels.
2. Paper and ink for the letter for the first time in the world have begun to use also in Egypt. As the paper served papyrus, made from cane and invented by the same place in the year 4000 BC.
Interesting facts about Egypt
3. Faience, cement and glass was invented in Egypt.
4. It is the Egyptians, both women and men, for the first time we started to use make-up.
Interesting facts about Egypt
5. Practitioners of ancient Egypt were renowned for the treatment of not only physical ailments but also mental. In studying the structure of the human body has played a special role in the tradition of mummification, which resulted in the retrieved all the organs, in addition to the heart. Heart has remained in the body, because, as the Egyptians believed that it was the soul.
6. Knowledge of mummification use Egyptians in the duty of the storage of food, and more specifically - meat. In doing so, they have used and sodium bicarbonate of soda. - tized Egyptians and animals. So, archaeologists modernity once found mumifitsirovannogo crocodile.
Interesting facts about Egypt
7. The Egyptians were the first began to use antibiotics and first invented the contraceptives. As the antibiotic has mold from which subsequently became known to receive all the penicillin.
8. The generally accepted today to the number of days per year (365) and the hours of the day (24) we are obliged to Egyptians.
Interesting facts about Egypt
9. The inhabitants of ancient Egypt the first began to be used as a means of communication to the pigeons.
10. The most venerated God of Egypt - the sun god ra.
Interesting facts about Egypt
11. in ancient Egypt, it was decided to sleep on the pillows, not filled rest in peace or other soft and nails, and the stones.
12. Son of Egyptian Pharaoh khafre wrote the first in the world will.
Interesting facts about Egypt
13. in the ancient world, it is an Egyptian had most rights, compared with women from other ancient states. They could own property and to enter into transactions. And here is a woman of noble families became even temple maids and doctors.
14. in ancient times, in the territory of the sahara desert were fertile lands. Today she took a 95 per cent of the entire territory of the country.
Interesting facts about Egypt
15. for the construction of the Egyptian pyramids are known throughout the world miracle - was used by 7 million tons of stones, representing more than two million massive stone blocks. Their unusual form is believed to be archaeologists, represents the rays of the sun, radiating in the side.
16. The first pyramid is considered a pyramid with step-in. She was built for King Djoser Architect Lmhotep as early as in 2600 BC.
Interesting facts about Egypt
17. Speaking about interesting facts about Egypt, one cannot fail to mention such a historic landmark as a sphinx. This is the mythical animal that took a man's head and the body of a lion, never ceases to amaze his affair and greatness.
18. Men of ancient Egypt were white clothes, and women - black.
Interesting facts about Egypt
19. in our time in Egypt, lived most of the Arab population from all over the world.
20. Interestingly, a drink the ancient Egyptians had a beer. And Here's some food - bread.
Interesting facts about Egypt
21. One Inch is this amount of rainfall is in Egypt, the average for the year.
22. Not many people know that for the time of its existence, Egypt was called differently: Black Earth or kemet, the red earth or deskhret, Hoot-ka-Ptah and ayegiptus.
1. in Egypt were invented devices, without which not thinking my life modern man: Toothpaste, soap, comb, deodorant and a pair of scissors. And Here's the women were obliged to Egyptians shoes in heels.
2. Paper and ink for the letter for the first time in the world have begun to use also in Egypt. As the paper served papyrus, made from cane and invented by the same place in the year 4000 BC.
Interesting facts about Egypt
3. Faience, cement and glass was invented in Egypt.
4. It is the Egyptians, both women and men, for the first time we started to use make-up.
Interesting facts about Egypt
5. Practitioners of ancient Egypt were renowned for the treatment of not only physical ailments but also mental. In studying the structure of the human body has played a special role in the tradition of mummification, which resulted in the retrieved all the organs, in addition to the heart. Heart has remained in the body, because, as the Egyptians believed that it was the soul.
6. Knowledge of mummification use Egyptians in the duty of the storage of food, and more specifically - meat. In doing so, they have used and sodium bicarbonate of soda. - tized Egyptians and animals. So, archaeologists modernity once found mumifitsirovannogo crocodile.
Interesting facts about Egypt
7. The Egyptians were the first began to use antibiotics and first invented the contraceptives. As the antibiotic has mold from which subsequently became known to receive all the penicillin.
8. The generally accepted today to the number of days per year (365) and the hours of the day (24) we are obliged to Egyptians.
Interesting facts about Egypt
9. The inhabitants of ancient Egypt the first began to be used as a means of communication to the pigeons.
10. The most venerated God of Egypt - the sun god ra.
Interesting facts about Egypt
11. in ancient Egypt, it was decided to sleep on the pillows, not filled rest in peace or other soft and nails, and the stones.
12. Son of Egyptian Pharaoh khafre wrote the first in the world will.
Interesting facts about Egypt
13. in the ancient world, it is an Egyptian had most rights, compared with women from other ancient states. They could own property and to enter into transactions. And here is a woman of noble families became even temple maids and doctors.
14. in ancient times, in the territory of the sahara desert were fertile lands. Today she took a 95 per cent of the entire territory of the country.
Interesting facts about Egypt
15. for the construction of the Egyptian pyramids are known throughout the world miracle - was used by 7 million tons of stones, representing more than two million massive stone blocks. Their unusual form is believed to be archaeologists, represents the rays of the sun, radiating in the side.
16. The first pyramid is considered a pyramid with step-in. She was built for King Djoser Architect Lmhotep as early as in 2600 BC.
Interesting facts about Egypt
17. Speaking about interesting facts about Egypt, one cannot fail to mention such a historic landmark as a sphinx. This is the mythical animal that took a man's head and the body of a lion, never ceases to amaze his affair and greatness.
18. Men of ancient Egypt were white clothes, and women - black.
Interesting facts about Egypt
19. in our time in Egypt, lived most of the Arab population from all over the world.
20. Interestingly, a drink the ancient Egyptians had a beer. And Here's some food - bread.
Interesting facts about Egypt
21. One Inch is this amount of rainfall is in Egypt, the average for the year.
22. Not many people know that for the time of its existence, Egypt was called differently: Black Earth or kemet, the red earth or deskhret, Hoot-ka-Ptah and ayegiptus.